The artistic village of Djerba


The artistic village of Djerba, Djerbahood is an urban art event during which artists from around the world take over the Tunisian village of Erriadh on the island of Djerba to produce 250 works created for the occasion. It was launched by the Galerie Itinérances de Paris in June 2014.

Erriadh, an authentic and traditional place, has become a space of expression for each artist from various cultures, a panorama of global Street Art (Urban Art) and an essential cultural attraction in Tunisia.

A veritable open-air museum, Djerbahood is a village taken over by artists from all over the world. The village of Riadh in Djerba hosted during the summer of 2014 the works of a hundred artists of more than thirty different nationalities.

The name of the event, Djerba Hood, spontaneously imposed itself on the organizers following the installation of the letters The Hood (a very colloquial English term, sometimes used to designate a district) by Rodolphe Cintorino at the entrance to the Tunisian village. of Erriadh on the island of Djerba, formerly called Hara Sghira, or “little quarter” in Arabic.

The 250 works produced by the artists participating in the project mobilize more than 4,500 spray paint cans and include both individual works and collaborations.

In the open air, Djerbahood is an experiment of what a museum of the street art movement could be: designed in compliance with classic museum standards with light, scenography and a route, it stands out from urban art festivals.

Having now become an important tourist attraction and an open-air graffiti museum, visiting Djerba Hood has become an essential step in tourist circuits on the island of Djerba, especially during the excursion called “Discovery of Djerba” during which visitors discover the must-sees of the island such as Guellala the pottery village, the old synagogue and Houmt Souk the capital of the island.

The artistic village of Djerba in pictures

Le village artistique de Djerba - Djerbahood
Artystyczna wioska Dżerby - Djerbahood

The artistic village Djerbahood in video

Djerbahood on the map

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